Two tone gradient background.
You can adjust the colors, angle and blend points of the two tone gradient background.
Image Background.
Loading an image in the custom header does not replace the background colors. They will still be underneath the image so you may want to change them to a neutral color.
If you use a transparent PNG file the gradient background colors will show through. This works nicely with textural or ‘grunge’ type images.
Featured Image Override
Images selected in the customizer will display on all pages but can be overridden using the post or pages ‘featured image’.
Video (homepage only)
Choose to display a video on the homepage and the image and/or background colors continue to display on other pages and serve as backups for video.
Adjustable Height
Adjust the height of the custom header using separate controls for the homepage and for the sub-pages.
Full Screen (homepage only)
You can also fill the entire homepage screen with your image, video or gradient background.
Overlay Text
In this section you have several controls for placing a message on your homepage. There are 2 fields for text (some HTML is OK). each with its own font, font size, color and shading controls.